Certified Health Coach (IHP1, IHP2)
Certified Nutrition Coach (PN1-NC).
Rita is…
Rita sun has been working in the health food industry for the last 15 years. She has worked for many alternative health supplement and food companies directly as well as working with customers in stores. Her passion to help people with many different health issues is unstoppable. She has always been extremely compassionate for people that struggle with weight loss.
She has never believed in the calories in calories out theory and is always seeking the latest scientific information on weight loss. She will use this knowledge to help you achieve your weight loss goals and will not quit until you are satisfied. She has a particular interest in the following: anxiety, depression, binge eating, blood sugar and prediabetes, inflammation, brain and heart issues and longevity. She is huge believer that in order to heal anything physical, the emotional issues must be dealt with as well.